Behind the name

by - 6:22 AM

Introduction: La Vie En Rose

       Welcome to my blog ! In all honesty, this is not my first time to create a blog but I finally have the nerve to create one for the public! High-five to that! 

The reason on why I named this blog, La Vie En Rose is due to the fact La Vie En Rose is my new favorite song. Well, the original version is good too, but I think Daniela Andrade’s version is not comparable. (when I say “new”, it’s really just recently. As in 4 minutes ago) But that doesn’t guarantee that I’ll be changing the title of this blog when I’ll be finding a new “must” listen song. If there’s such thing as that. 

Okaay, so let us go back to our topic. La Vie En Rose is actually the French for “Life through rose-coloured glass,” literally “Life in pink”. I’ll thank  Y. answer Ph for that brief explanation. Really, I just have that guilty pleasure like when I don’t know something I’ll immediately find it on the best search engine a.k.a. Google. Life saver talaga! But of course that’s only for translations when I find myself to be confused on such situation as that…  Speaking of google, my brain had been debating on “What if google is a man?” That’ll be surely weird. If that was a man, oh snap! I won’t even have guts to ask a silly question. 

So that’s the meaning of La Vie En Rose.

Odaiji ni, Au revoir!

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