Spice up your summer!

by - 7:04 AM

      What comes into your mind when you hear the word, summer? For most of you out there, summer always defines the word, "fun!" But for some of you (if not most) defines it as boredom-ish-ness. Ok, maybe it isn't as boring as anyone could ever think of. But hey! Summer is the time where you can soak your feet in the beach, drink (literally) the coldest beverage, get tanned and have #messyhairdon'tcare kind of style. That's what summer is to me. Honestly, this is the only time where we, students, can just have some fun and enjoy the rest of the season. We don't have to worry on upcoming quizzes, projects, assignments and so on. I actually haven't heard my brother say "Shemay! Oo nga pala meron akong homework!!!" (Oh snap! I forgot that I have homework!)  for almost 4 weeks now which is a huge relief because I don't have to stay up all night helping him. A deep panda dark circles awaits for me in this case. That is a big no no for me! All I'm trying to say is that let's try to have a blast while we have time for it! Spice up your summer with your favorite things to do! Travel, if that's what makes you happy! Discover. to learn new things! And be with the people that makes you happy. 

Odaiji ni,

 Au revoir!

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