#How To Feel Better?

by - 4:45 AM

 Do you notice how life is a series of ups and downs, that's balanced by God? There are times when you're at your best and you feel like you've got the best of both worlds and yet there will also be those days when you feel incredibly blue, uninspired, unmotivated and feel crappy overall. All these experiences are typical for people. For some, they get swallowed by their uncontrollable emotions and feel like it's the end of the world when in fact, it really isn't. While for other people, they do something about it. They scrutinize their plans, establish goals and destress when they can. LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT. You can either annihilate yourself or find ways to cope with it and not run away from it. 

Here are my tips on how you can feel better during your bad days.

#1 Do a cardiovascular exercise or go out for a walk 🚶🏻‍♀️

 It is scientifically proven that when you exercise, you release these chemicals, called dopamine and endorphins that play a huge part in keeping you happy. It also has a lot of benefits such as an increase in your self-esteem, less stress, better sleep, and many more. I myself, feel better when I exercise than lying down in my bed like a potato that I am. Well, maybe we can all be a shmexier potato if we exercise. 😉 Try it and undoubtedly you'll instantly feel better! 🤗

"If I could give one tip for people - it's not an exercise or nutrition regimen. It's to walk your talk and believe in yourself, because at the end of the day, the dumbbell and diet don't get you in shape. It's your accountability to your word." - Brett Hoebel 

#2 Do any of your hobby that makes you feel good about yourself 🧚‍♀️
 All of us have a hobby that we do from day to day basis or at least for periodically. Whether that's stalking your crush, arguing with people on the internet (wait, don't do this, please lol), collecting stones, talking to your invisible ghost friend (calling my friend Casper), or just finishing a can of coke in 1 minute (what a lame joke right ok ok). Just do whatever that makes you feel good without hurting anyone even yourself. So yes, you can drop whatever you're doing for a while. Take a rest from whatever work that you're doing. Once you feel better, that's the time that you can go back and do some hustling. 

"Lighten up, just enjoy life, smile more, laugh more, and don't get so worked up about things." - Kenneth Branagh

#3 Try meditation or buy a scented candle/essential oils 🧘 

 I always have a knack of hopping on the bandwagon of trends only when I feel like doing it and meditation and aromatherapy are one of them. Jenn Im introduced Headspace as a good meditation mobile app in one of her monthly favorites videos. I gave it a go and I must say that I'm addicted to it. My day never feels the same without meditating as what I have explained in one of my blog posts. It just improves me both in mental and emotional ways. Much like wearing my pajamas in a cozy staycation. As for essential oil, I highly recommend the brand called now essential oils that's available on iHerb.com. I recently bought the lavender flavor. Since it's 100% pure lavender, it smells very concentrated. Thus, you only need a few drops no matter how huge your air diffuser is. I learned from my mistake and I don't want you to do the same thing. I actually poured 5 drops of the lavender essential oil, thinking that 3 drops aren't enough. The night later, it started to smell funny. Very much comparable with a basahan [dirty cleaning rag]. So my friends, just add enough drops of essential oils. Btw, the reason for why I didn't opt for scented candles is that I'm scared of burning my house. It feels like I have to bear with such a tremendous responsibility. And I don't like that. 

Life is a mystery – mystery of beauty, bliss and divinity. Meditation is the art of unfolding that mystery. – Amit Ray

#4 Vent out your stress to your closest friends/best friends 👯‍♀️

 Believe me, nothing feels better than letting all your worries and troubles out to a friend whom you trust. You have a support system for a reason. They may be your family, friends, teachers and the like. You don't have to keep your stress all to yourself. Sometimes, it's better to express yourself to your friends and they will be there to listen. In my case, I'm just super blessed and contented to have my small group of friends. They undeniably give the best advice that I could ever ask for. And I'm so grateful to have them. 🌟

One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood. - Lucius Annaeus Seneca

'till my next blogpost!

Take care,
Mata ne!

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