The Great Prehistoric Monument and Roman Bath

by - 1:49 AM

Did you ever wonder on how ancient builders' home looks like? These Neolithic homes are rebuilt for the visitors of Stonehenge to have a firsthand experience of getting a true feeling on what it's like to live during 4,500 years ago.

These houses are equipped with a replica of different artifacts such as Neolithic axes, pots and the like.

This huge stone can only be moved by 100 strong people or so. Yes, it is that massive and heavy. In fact, prehistoric people transported stones using a pulley system.

According from the research, the famous Stonehenge constantly evolved over 10,000 years ago which is said to be part of a complex sacred landscape that continues to change.  The hugest stone found here is called Sarsens while the smaller stone is called Bluestones having been transported from Western Wales.

Bath, England

Look how men enjoy playing cricket. I have no idea how this game works but I find it interesting to watch.

The sun's out which means that everyone gathers outside to feel the warmth of the sun after the freezing cold of England weather.  

Every visitors are welcome to Bath Abbey! It is a must see place because of its majestic architecture and great choral music as well. It is a very quiet church where you can contemplate peacefully while talking to God. They also accept donation upon entering which is done for a good cause.

Ice cream is always the best option especially on a sunny day.

Welcome to Roman Bath! According from its official site, about 1,170,000 litres of steaming spring water reaching at 46 degrees fill up the bath everyday. This used to be a luxurious bathing and socializing complex for the rich Romans. 

You can also have a free sip of spa water which contains 42 rich minerals at their pump area. You don't have to pay extra money since this is readily included in the admission fee. It's known to have a healing power. Try it once you get here!

Au revoir,
Odaiji ni!

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