Life Update Entry #1 🌴

by - 4:31 AM

  I have been MIA for so long but I'm finally back guys! I have not been updating my blog for 2 months that's because I chose to focus in my studies (yes, I'm currently back to school after my hiatus for 4 months). I just had my strenuous week in school where teachers are in their moods to give out surprise tests. This-happened-for-almost-every-day. That's insane. It's a good thing that I managed to survive despite the fact that I'm unmotivated and lost. Another reason for being MIA is because I started to post more frequently on my YouTube Channel. Thus, I had less time to post here in my blog. It's a good thing that I was able to post at least once a week before my school started this month. I became pretty hyped up so I posted about 11 videos for 3 months. Not bad eh? Applaud for me please hehe 

Putting my MIA reasons aside, ever since I started my 2nd week of school, I suddenly felt lost and unmotivated without really knowing the reason why. There comes those days when we feel crappy. Those days usually come unexpected and every time I experience those emotions, I emotionally break down. 

  One day I went to the gym feeling quite exhausted. Nope, I didn't do anything that is physically tiring before heading there, but I was actually surprised to find out that I was mentally tired. Mind you that I don't usually feel like this. I'm your type of a friend who doesn't experience much troubles or problems in life. So, I concluded that this day must be one of those days where I feel that being mentally tired is worse than being physically tired. I turned the music on my phone and blasted a pop danthology song then I  immediately proceeded to my usual workout routine. When I started doing squats, I suddenly can't carry my normal weights that I lift. My body is already accustomed on lifting heavy weights so I thought that I can do it. It's still fresh in my mind on how I felt frustrated and disappointed of myself upon failing to carry  them. But what can I do? My mind isn't in its best condition. I rested for a while as I hoped for the best. After getting refreshed, I started lifting weights again as I crossed my fingers wishing that my strength will come back. I felt dumbfounded to realize that I CAN lift heavy weights if I say to myself that I can do it. I can only see my progress if I instill in my mind that I am able

  It's okay to make progress, albeit being slow. I was reminded not to push myself too much because it can really drain my brain. I hope that this can also serve as a lesson for you. I understand why we always want to be the best versions of ourselves but if you let me speak frankly, I'm afraid that we can't do that every day. Remember that, we're all humans after all. We can easily  get tired of things and that's normal, but please don't lose hope. I'm pretty sure that we just need a fresh air. Also, don't forget to give time for yourself (not just for the people around you).

Mata ne,
Au revoir! 

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